Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Hi Lovers,
The phrase “single and ready to mingle” sounds good/easy, but is it really? I asked one sweet-lady what the toughest thing about being single was and she told me something so simple, something some of us take for granted: having a dependable companion. Having someone who is there no matter what is priceless.

During the time you are at your best as well as your worst. Having someone there to come fix a flat tire, rush over when you say there’s some creepy guy in your building, warm up your car for you before work or class, listen when you need to vent, accept your for who you are, etc. All these things are a must, but how can you be sure when you have mingled enough and found a dependable companion?
You can never be so sure you have found your soul mate. But something you can be sure about is knowing that you have never lowered your standards or literally made a guy right for you when you know deep down you deserve better. If you see early sings that someone you are dating is not dependable, why continue to get your feelings more involved?

Look yourself in the mirror every day and tell yourself you deserve the best. You deserve someone who will accept your flaws, love them, and show you your worth. Don’t settle, you always deserve the best.
     Erica Marie

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